König & Landl Sewer Technology Centre Hollabrunn
We have compiled a comprehensive training program so our customers can do their work better and faster. Because the best tools, machines and the most functional software are of no use if you don’t know how to operate them. We were among the first in 2017 to be certified as a WinCan Professional Partner.
Vehicle Construction
We provide in-house construction of Sewer trucks by Rioned and Cappellotto, TV vehicles with equipment by iPEK and Rehabilitation trucks.
Carrier vehicles by Mercedes or Volkswagen with equipment by Bott can be ordered at König & Landl at attractive conditions. Your advantages: short delivery times and adjustments from one source plus standardisation services.
Sewer Testing Site
Our test site, which has a length of about 200 m features sewers of different sizes and materials, among them a segment of 1200/1800 egg-shaped profile made of concrete and GRP. The numerous manholes are made of vitrified clay, plastics and concrete. Many tests can be made at a scale of 1:1: Sewer cleaning, TV inspections, rescue of persons from manholes etc.
Just like in the purchase of tools and machines, the choice of the right suppliers is also crucial for success in the construction sector. The following companies have actively supported us in the construction of our sewer center:
Sewer rehabilitation-we know our stuff! With BRAWOLINER® and Steffen Gückel (Kansantec)
Sewer rehabilitation - we know our stuff! With BRAWOLINER®and Steffen Gückel (Kansantec) As of January 1, 2019, König & Landl acquired the sewer rehabilitation specialist Kansantec from Vorarlberg. Steffen Gückel, founder and owner, joins the [...]
This was our grand opening in Hollabrunn
This was our grand opening in Hollabrunn Under a blue, sunny sky we celebrated the inauguration of our new Sewer Technology Centre in Hollabrunn. After some exciting presentations by experts and an extensive [...]
High-Pressure Cleaning & Suction Vehicle | Cappellotto “Cap Recy“
High-Pressure Cleaning & Suction Vehicle | Cappellotto “Cap Recy“ Model Mercedes Arocs | MAN TGS | others on request Pumping power Uraca pump P3-45 346 bar/205 [...]
Opening of Sewer Technology Centre Hollabrunn on 16.10.2017
Grand Opening of Sewer Technology Centre in Hollabrunn You are invited! Monday, 16 October 2017 from 9.00 to 17.00 König&Landl Sewer Technology Centre, Gewerbering 2, 2020 Hollabrunn In our [...]
Upgrade WinCan V8 to WinCan VX
Upgrade WinCan V8 to WinCan VX The existing software WinCan V8 works with a GIS license, which is no longer supported by WinCan since the introduction of WinCan VX. Important news for our [...]
QuickView AirHD by iPEK – Your New View Into Any Sewer, Fast and Wireless
QuickView AirHD by iPEK – Your New View Into Any Sewer, Fast and Wireless Clear view below ground? Sewer cleaning coordination of small municipalities is done according to the demands; [...]